Sum Operations

LibSPN-Keras offers a convenient way to control the backward pass for sum operations used in the SPNs you build. Internally, LibSPN-Keras defines a couple of sum operations with different backward passes, for gradient as well as EM learning. All of these operations inherit from the SumOpBase class in libspn_keras/


By default, LibSPN-Keras uses SumOpGradBackprop.

Getting And Setting a Sum Op

These methods allow for setting and getting the current default SumOpBase. By setting a default all sum layers (DenseSum, Conv2DSum, Local2DSum and RootSum) will use that sum op, unless you explicitly provide a SumOpBase instance to any of those classes when initializing them.


Set default sum op to conveniently use it throughout an SPN architecture.


op (SumOpBase) – Implementation of sum op with corresponding backward pass definitions

Return type



Get default sum op.

Return type



A SumOpBase instance that was set with set_default_sum_op

Sum Operation With Gradients In Backward Pass

class libspn_keras.sum_ops.SumOpGradBackprop(logspace_accumulators=None)

Sum op primitive with gradient in backpropagation when computed through TensorFlow’s autograd engine.

Internally, weighted sums are computed with default gradients for all ops being used.


logspace_accumulators (Optional[bool]) – If provided overrides default log-space choice. For a SumOpGradBackprop the default is True

Sum Operations With EM Signals In Backward Pass

class libspn_keras.sum_ops.SumOpEMBackprop

Sum op primitive with EM signals in backpropagation.

These are dense EM signals as opposed to the other EM based instances of SumOpBase.

class libspn_keras.sum_ops.SumOpHardEMBackprop(sample_prob=None)

Sum op with hard EM signals in backpropagation when computed through TensorFlow’s autograd engine.


sample_prob (Union[float, Tensor, None]) – Sampling probability in the range of [0, 1]. Sampling logits are taken from the normalized log probability of the children of each sum.

class libspn_keras.sum_ops.SumOpUnweightedHardEMBackprop(sample_prob=None)

Sum op with hard EM signals in backpropagation when computed through TensorFlow’s autograd engine.

Instead of using weighted sum inputs to select the maximum child, it relies on unweighted child inputs, which has the advantage of alleviating a self-amplifying chain of hard EM signals in deep SPNs.


sample_prob (Union[float, Tensor, None]) – Sampling probability in the range of [0, 1]. Sampling logits are taken from the normalized log probability of the children of each sum.